The art of learning with the body

Nicola Carofiglio

Friday November 15, '19 at 06:00 PM

Teacher: Nicola Carofiglio

Nicola Carofiglio. Ex dancer of classical and contemporary dance with more than 25 years of experience. Looking for a different path I get to practice Yoga, martial arts such as Tai chi, among others; He also explored Gyrokinesis, Gyrotonic techniques. Today Nicola is a professor of Rolfing and Rolfer.

Witnesses of our body learning

As a building that is built from the ground up, our superior intelligence designs the architecture of our body to give it freedom.

If we use this intelligence and learn to observe our body as a team that works together and not as spaces that work separately we will obtain more organic movements with which we will feel natural and confident to lead in the world and improve our physical practice.

In this course you will learn to:

  • To perceive your physical body from another perspective, you will perceive it as a whole and not as different isolated spaces.
  • Feel the movement of your physical body from the foundations. You will become the architect of your own subject.
  • Improve your own perception and communication with your students through touch. You will recognize the true sensation of accompanying your students and perceiving yourself through this wonderful sense so forgotten.

Body perception

To reach this level of awareness, we will perform a wide variety of body perception and breathing exercises and work on theoretical concepts that will support every sensation you experience:

  • Architecture
  • Applied in this course as the art of building our body as a building from the ground up.

  • Anatomy
  • The study of the structure of the human body used only as a map that will give us the guidelines to explore the true terrain of our body when we move or passivity.

  • Embryology
  • The study of embryonic development to understand our body as a whole, as well as the way in which this development continues to have an impact on our lives outside the mother's womb.

  • Biomechanics
  • To understand the natural processes that occur in our body and following this nature avoid injuries.

  • Morphology
  • Not only as a study of living beings but also the study of words that structure what we feel and become learning in our mind.

    Who can access this course

    This course is not only aimed at Yoga Professionals who already have training in any tradition, people interested in improving their own body perception or who want to perceive their students or clients in a new way can benefit from this knowledge. :

    • Yoga Practitioners regardless of level.
    • Dancers.
    • Massage.
    • Therapists.
    • People who are curious to know the architecture of the body.

    How long is this course?

    The course is structured in three independent weekends.

    Course content

      Witness the body that learns

    • Lower extremities. We will learn the functionality and morphology of the feet, their arches and their relationship with the pelvic and abdominal diaphragms.
    • Abdominal area and trunk. Differences between the spine and the "visceral spine" and how to work with them. Understanding three-dimensional breathing in the region of the ribs.
    • Upper extremities. Evolution from the quadruped position to standing and its influence on the practice of yoga. Understanding of development and the shoulder-arm-forearm-hand relationship and its interaction with the outside world.
    • Review and synthesis of the architecture of the human body through the observation and study of horizontal structures (diaphragms) and their respective visceral connections.

    For more information


    • Sep. 27 - 29 - 2019
    • Nov. 15 - 17 - 2019
    • Nov 29 - 01 - 2019


    • Friday: 18:00 - 21:00 hrs.
    • Saturday: 9:00 - 18:00 hrs.
    • Sunday: 9:00 - 14:00 hrs.

    Prices per Weekend

    • Price for one weekend: 385,00 €
    • Price for two weekends: 725,00 €

    Payment methods

    Take advantage of the favorable early prices, full payment must be received before the cut off date.

    Amounts can be paid by cash, money order, credit card or bank transfer to:

    Yoga Center, S.L.

    Account number: ES 06 2100 1417 16 02 00283014

    Note: On the bank transfer you must indicate your name and the course that you are taking.