Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga

Yoga means union and Kundalini is the vital energy coiled at the bottom of the spine, like a lock of hair or a sleeping serpent, when it is dormant and not stimulated. The practice of any type of traditional yoga is to stimulate this Kundalini energy. When that energy awakens, it rises up the spine, being felt as an inner heat, and promotes renewed vitality, mental clarity, self-healing, creativity, a feeling of relief and expansion. The person feels whole, calm, yet alert. Kundalini Yoga offers a practice made of tools fit for the busy daily life of the householder, bringing quick results which affect Body, Mind, and one’s inner relationship with something more subtle and profound some call the Breath of Life, or Soul.

Kundalini Yoga is called “the yoga of transformation” for its immediate life-changing effects, and “the yoga of Awareness” for the clarity and intuition resulting from its practice. It originated in India and was taught in secret to a select few until the Master Yogi Bhajan® went to the West in 1969 to teach it in the open.


The benefits are quick and immediate:

  • mental clarity
  • stress gives way to calmness
  • better sleep
  • more vitality
  • self-assurance and self-esteem
  • hormonal balance
  • stronger, balanced and more resilient nervous system
  • boost to the immune system
  • resilience in the face of challenges
  • perspectiva expandida que facilita una comunicación más consciente
  • decrease of body aches, particularly backaches

Kundalini Yoga offers meditations designed to address all kinds of issues, to break negative and addictive habit patterns and to release the original imprint from the shocks of the past stored in the subconscious mind. It also provides meditations to prepare for times of crisis, so that one can keep centered under extraordinary pressure.


Kundalini Yoga works with formulas, or recipes, designed to produce a change in our energetic frequency through predictable impacts on the nervous system, the glandular (hormonal) system and the mind, in order to achieve predetermined benefits. These formulas are called Kriyas*. A Kriya usually refers to a specific sequence of exercises, but it can also apply to a unique exercise or meditation combining action and sound (ex.: “Sat Kriya”, “Sodarshan Chakra Kriya”, etc.) Each “recipe” produces deep and subtle adjustments in all aspects of our Being, with both immediate and long-term effects.


The practice combines these tools:

  • Dynamic Physical exercises.
  • Static postures.
  • Different breathing techniques and Pranayamas.
  • Mudras and Bandhas to channel the energies.
  • Conscious relaxation.
  • Meditation (concentration techniques and working with mantras).


"The experience of the Kundalini does not mean that you have entered into a deep trance ... and you are beyond this world ... It integrates you more in reality and gives you a vision and a broad sensitivity so that you can act efficiently."

Kundalini Yoga meditation is a method for people who do not have much time: they have to face the daily challenges, and the particular and global pressure of our times. Active meditation cleans the subconscious from wounds and shocks of the past and develop the skills that allow you to be intuitive, to have clarity, to expand your adaptive and recovery capacities to face any challenge, with more and more magnitude and strength.

It reveals the hero that hides in each one, something essential for the human being of the 21st century

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