Amorn Pimhanam

Amorn Pimhanam

Buddhist Temple

I was first exposed to meditation and chanting in the Pali language when I joined a Buddhist temple from the age of 13 to 19.

My first teacher

In 2006 I started Ashtanga Yoga with my first teacher Suchavadee.

Pattabhi Jois' words

I believe Pattabhi Jois’ words “sick people can walk after practicing Yoga”.


I have done workshops with Richard Freeman, Ken Harakuma, Matthew Sweeney and Petri Raisänen. In 2008, I completed a 300-hour Ashtanga Yoga teacher training with Paul Dallaghan at Yoga Thailand.

Yoga Journal

I have written several articles for the travel column of Yoga Journal (Thai edition).

Amorn-Pimhanam in Upward-Dog

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