Posts tagged "Psychotherapy"

Yoga and Psychotherapy
Psychology and Yoga
I have used psychotherpay techniques with Yoga students and many different Yoga techniques with psychotherapy clients over the past 16 years or longer. As both practices are concerned with improving individual quality of life and personal happiness and fullfilment, I see no conflict between the two.
Yoga and Freudianism were not the best of friends; but, more recent research suggests that we are not trapped by the past. We keep developing and changing with time. Our current understanding supports the possibility of personal growth and development.
American Psychological Association
The American Psychological Association has published a review of some favourable studies of Yoga used in psychotherapy. So slowly divergent world views start coming closer together. Each informs the other. "The evidence is showing that Yoga really helps change people at every level," says Stanford University health psychologist and Yoga instructor Kelly McGonigal, PhD. I have quoted from their article on my web page.
My Orientation
My orientation
I have been interested in inner life development since I encountered Christian mysticism in my adolescence. My curiousity led me to study Buddhism and Hinduism and practice oriental meditation. Now as I practice psychotherapy I find myself straddling two different orientations - Eastern mysticism and Western psychology.
A common aim
Both traditions have a common aim - to alleviate personal suffering. The Buddha stated from the begining of his teachings that all is suffering (sarvam dukkha) and that his noble eightfold path is a cure. Psychology literally means the study of the soul and psychotherapy is the use of any procedures that have palliative effects upon any mental, emotional or behavioural disorder. In other words the use of any techinique to reduce human suffering. Both have the same intention. I apply them both.
Combination Psychology
Recently, Western psychology discovered the wisdom of the Eastern traditions. Psychologists such as Jan Kabat-Zinn, Z.V. Segal, J. D. Teasdale and many others have found successful applications for approaches such as mindfulness in combination with Western techniques. I find this trend encouraging.
Integral Psychology
Ken Wilber is an American philosopher who has attempted to integrate the Eastern and Western wisdom literature in an attempt to create an 'Integral Psychology'. He has begun a discussion about the possible integration of premodern, modern and postmodern sources in a systematic embrace rather than the current eclecticism