Vinyasa Flow Workshop

Richness and variety of techniques.

Esther Armero

Friday October 26, '18 at 05:00 PM

Teacher: Esther Armero

I have been continuously learning and practicing at Yoga Center Madrid and I'm happy to share what I have learned with my students, from whom I also learn daily. I eventually trained as a Hatha Yoga Teacher, Ashtanga Vinyasa and as a Vinyasa Flow Instructor with AIPYS and did workshops with highly regarded teachers such as Peter Sanson, Liz Lark and Lino Miele.

Vinyasa Flow workshop

Build puzzles with the body

With the Vinyasa workshop, you will string sequences of postures that will allow you to stimulate the creativity that is inside you. You will build puzzles with the body, from one position to another, feeling how the energy grows as you fit the pieces of practice. Your body becomes the water that flows through a river, bending and unfolding, going through every nook and cranny, flowing freely and evenly. A practice that makes you move like the rushes of rivers: flexible, malleable, adaptable. In this exciting journey our mind opens, without attachments, without worries, only flowing in the dynamism of the practice.

Reaching a peak posture

A Vinyasa that builds yoga from the base, growing and increasing the difficulty until it reaches a peak, as if we climbed a mountain and when reaching our inner fire unleashed, leaving our body and mind free and full. An opportunity to write the melody that makes your body.

Dancing knowing how to keep the rhythm

Practicing in this way is like dancing knowing how to keep the rhythm, adjusting it to the breath.

The class ends with a deep relaxation and inner harmony.


Friday from 17:00 to 20:00


  • Price: 57,00 €
  • 15 days before date: 49,00 €

Payment methods

Take advantage of the favorable early prices, full payment must be received before the cut off date.

Amounts can be paid by cash, money order, credit card or bank transfer to:

Yoga Center, S.L.

Account number: ES 06 2100 1417 16 02 00283014

Note: On the bank transfer you must indicate your name and the course that you are taking.