I started practicing yoga in Brazil in 1993 where I began my personal quest.
I moved to Madrid in 2003 and since 2004 dedicated myself exclusively to the study and practice of Yoga.
I completed the Hatha Yoga Teacher Trainings with Aipys in 2006, and that same year received my Mat Pilates Instructor Diploma through Feda Madrid. I am a teacher of Iyengar Yoga in which I also completed my Postgrad with Aipys
I am Yoga Alliance E-RYT 200 and RYT-500 registered.
Since then I continue to attend intensives and special courses to perfect my personal practice and teaching.
One of my passions is to share my training with the students. Om. p>
Read the interview with Chrystiani:
Interview with Chrystiani done by a studenrt when she was teaching at Yoga Center
"Teaching is learning; it is a constant dialogue with the students "
This time we had the opportunity to talk with Chrystiani, one of the most creative of Iyengar and Hatha Yoga styles. Chrys is also part of the training faculty and offers very interesting workshops on different aspects of yoga. This summer we will be lucky to have her in one of our retreats in Mondariz. We encourage you to read the interview to know it a little better.
Question. - How was your first encounter with yoga?
Answer. - By medical recommendation, since in Brazil, more than 20 years ago, I was recommended to learn to manage stress. The first class was incredible, an experience that changed the course of my life; although, at that moment, I did not know it. Even so, I admit that I'm still nervous, deep down; but now I have tools to manage it.
P. - You know several yoga styles, with which do you feel you connect more? Why?
R. - I have practiced several styles, the Rishikesh style Hatha yoga as taught in Yoga Center has been the one I have most identified with. Then I have met the Iyengar style. Today I practice assiduously that style that opened a new horizon for me. But do not ask me to choose!
P. - Of the styles you know and teach, which one do you like to teach the most and why?
R. - Teaching is learning. It is a constant dialogue with the students, each style gives me satisfaction in a different way. The Hatha entertains me, the students want new challenges and creativity is important. The Iyengar is more technical, I do not contribute anything or I invent it, everything is done; has a structure to follow, guidelines that make students advance from the quality of the practice.
P. - How did you become a yoga teacher? Did it take your life to it or was it a conscious decision?
R. - It was truly like that. When I moved to Madrid I wanted to make a change in my life and so it was. He had taken courses in Brazil and taught his friends. I always say that this is a path without a turn.
P. - What do you like most about giving yoga classes?
R. Give and receive defines a yoga class; I receive a lot from the students and at the same time I give myself. I have fun and at that moment when I'm in class, there is nothing else outside those walls, it's awesome.
P. - What elements can not be missing in one of your classes?
R. - I love working with props, walls ... And those elements help or teach a new way, but in the end who does the practice is yourself with your mat.
P. - How do you prepare your classes? Where do you get the inspiration to design your classes?
R. - Each teacher gives what he has, teaches what he likes to practice and says what he likes to hear. I learn from my teachers, I live it, I transform it into my experience to be able to transmit. Every class has a focus, an objective
P. - How do you integrate yoga into your daily life?
R. - Yoga is permeating the human being at different levels: physical, mental ..., without separation between them. Practice changes us without us noticing; there is no need to put the mind to analyze, it is not an effort, there is no intention. Simply the body thanks and expands, the breathing becomes full and the mind becomes quiet, meditation becomes a consequence, a state of fulfillment. So, what else do we need?
P. - Knowing several styles, how do you usually do your personal practice in order to practice all those styles? Do you find it difficult to separate them or do some styles subtly complement each other?
R. - Mixing styles is for few! There may be great teachers who will study and practice different styles for many years. Each style has its grace, its path and its moment. When we start studying other styles everything gets confused, it mixes, but to stay there is a mistake! Separating it takes time and dedication. But I think knowing several styles makes you a better teacher and practitioner.
P. - What do you like most about yoga?
R. - That yoga is for everyone, its transforming power. If you are constant you will enjoy its benefits.
P. - You are also trained in Pilates, from your professional point of view and your experience, what discipline is more complete and contributes more to the student?
R. - I am trained in Pilates, which is a conscious and respectful exercise with the body. But I do not like to compare, the comparison does not contribute anything to the practice and all those disciplines are practical. Compare is a thing of the mind.
P. - You are also a teacher of the Yoga Center Madrid training courses. How did you start with that beautiful task?
R. - Gauri invited me to be part of the group of Hatha yoga training teachers and it was an honor for me; It opened a very rewarding path for me. I have a lot to learn in that area; It is a new approach, we must respect the rhythms, the differences, know how to identify them to get the best out of those future teachers.
P. - What do you as a teacher and as a yoga practitioner contribute to these training courses?
R. - Recognizing that learning is different for everyone is very important. A student of formation is open, wanting to know more, but also comes with his baggage, with his way of seeing yoga, with his doubts that one day they were mine and maybe my students have. That gives me valuable information to teach and practice. They learn a lot and I the most.
P. - You are going to do a Hatha yoga retreat this summer in Mondariz. Could you tell us a little about what it will consist of?
R. - It will be a meeting to share our experiences, enjoy and flow. The goal is for us to enter the practice with kindness, from a gentle rhythm. Together we will go deeper and open spaces that allow a broad, full breathing and that becomes our guide. There will be meditation, pranayamas, five monographic workshops in which we will approach different aspects of yoga and also a practice that includes restorative postures, so necessary to balance our practice.